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NAAC Accredited with 'B' Grade..

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Welcome to Gopalpur College

Gopalpur on Sea, Berhampur

    Welcome to Gopalpur College

    Gopalpur on Sea, Berhampur

    Welcome to Gopalpur College

    Gopalpur on Sea, Berhampur

    UG First Year Admission are going on. PG, UG and +2 Re-Admission also coming soon...


    • 1) There shall be at least two college Examinations for each student of +2 stream before appearing for Annual Examination. The dates of Examinations shall be notified by the principal much ahead of the scheduled programme. All examinations are compulsory. In considering the promotion to the next higher class or allowing the students to sit for CHSE Examination (for +2 2nd year) the marks secured in both the College Examinations shall be considered.
    • 2) The Staff - Council frames conditions for promotion and sending up of students to the next higher classes and the University / H.S.Examinations from time to time.
    • 3) Violation of Examination rules shall be seriously viewed.
    • 4) All examinations are compulsory and the students remaining absent there without prior permission of the Principal shall be penalised. The students avoiding these examinations shall not be promoted.
    • 5) Application for leave of absence due to illness must be accompanied with a Medical Certificate from a registered medical practitioner duly attested by the parent or guardian.
    • 6) Any case of mal-practice at any college examination shall be viewed seriously and the candidate involved in mal-practice shall be penalised with a fine or cancellation of the said examination as decided by the Staff Council.